There are basically two main things that help stop water retention. Ironically, the first of these is drinking more...
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How many eggs one should take in a day or at one time?
It is ridicules to hear that people take 20-40 eggs or even...
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खिलाड़ी ही नहीं, आम आदमिओं को भी चपाती या चावल खाने से पहले सोचना चाहिए की वो कितना खाएं. चपाती या चावल शरीर को का...
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Salt (Sodium chloride) and water are the two main components in the body which care for the 30% of the water weight...
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खाना भी अपने आप में एक अटूट दिनचर्या है | इसके बिना एक या दो पहर भी काटना मुश्किल है | हमारा शरीर एक लगातार न बुझने...
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The tongue is the most important, mischievous, uncontrolled but dependable organ in the body. Our master, the Brain...
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