How much protein do i need ?

How much protein do i need ?

Our muscles are constantly in balance between anabolism (growth) and catabolism (breakdown). For anabolism to take place, we need to fuel muscles with protein. Exercise also gives muscles a further push to grow. Optimal distribution of protein at each meal appears to be a key factor in building and maintaining muscle mass throughout life. Protein is dietary essential, even for vegans, who do not like to eat animal protein in any way. Proteins are made up of tissue building blocks called amino acids, and proteins that contain all the essential amino acids are called complete. Animal protein is a example of a complete protein but the proteins are also found in grains, nuts and vegetables. Our body needs proteins to grow and build hormones, antibodies and the enzymes that regulate the chemical reaction within the body. Proteins are very important for healthy ageing because they help to maintain healthy tissues and strengthen growth. Important thing is we cannot store protein in our body; we need a new supply every day to keep tissues from breaking down.

Good Source of Proteins: Whole eggs are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet. Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein.

Almonds and Cashews are a popular type of tree nut. They are loaded with important nutrients, including fiber, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.

Chicken Breast offers an easy way to eat protein while keeping consumption of saturated fat to a minimum. Skinless breast is both the portion of the chicken lowest in fat and the most popular with consumers.

Oats are among the healthiest grains on the planet. They are loaded with healthy proteins, fibres, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B1 and several other nutrients.

Cheese is tends to be very low in fat and calories. It is loaded with calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients.

Yogurt tastes delicious, has a creamy texture, and is high in many nutrients. Non-fat yogurt has high in protein. Just make sure to choose one without added sugar.

Milk is highly nutritious. If you enjoy drinking milk, then it can be an excellent source of high-quality protein. Milk contains a little bit of almost every single nutrient needed by the human body.

Whey Protein Supplements when youโ€™re pressed for time and unable to cook, a whey protein supplement can come in handy. Whey is a type of high-quality protein from dairy foods, shown to be very effective at building muscle mass, and may help with weight loss.

Lentils are a type of legume. They are high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, copper, manganese and various other nutrients. Lentils are among the worldโ€™s best sources of plant-based protein, and are an excellent food for vegetarians.

Pumpkins contain edible seeds called pumpkin seeds. They are incredibly high in many nutrients, including iron, magnesium and zinc. Flax seeds, sunflower seeds are also high in many nutrients

Fish is incredibly healthy, for various reasons. It is loaded with various important nutrients, and tends to be very high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

The Brussels sprout is another high-protein vegetable, related to broccoli. It is very high in fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients.

Peanuts are incredibly delicious. They are high in protein, fiber, magnesium and they can help you lose weight. Peanut butter is also high in protein; just make sure not to eat too much.

How much Protein you need changes with age: Babies need about 10 grams a day. School-age kids need 19-34 grams a day. Teenage boys need up to 52 grams a day. Teenage girls need 46 grams a day. Adult men need about 56 grams a day. Adult women need about 46 grams a day (71 grams, if pregnant or breastfeeding)


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